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Batman (1989)

I found this film rather boring. I struggled to remain focused throughout the film and as I started to gain interest, so much had happened that I struggled to understand exactly what was happening (I figured it out quick enough). I felt the film moved slowly and left a bit to be desired as far as a Batman goes. As far as the story, I find it to be true in most Tim Burton films I’ve seen, I feel like the story is either too slow or too outlandish to follow. I felt that Michael Keaton lacked the intimidation factor that I would expect from a Batman character; it wasn’t until the end of the film, when Bruce realized that The Joker was responsible for his parent’s death, that he seemed like any sort of threat. I felt, however, that Keaton played a decent Bruce Wayne throughout the entire film. I thought Jack Nicholson’s Joker was executed well and I enjoyed his character very much. He was ruthless, psychotic and very wacky. With the exception of Keaton as Batman, I thought the acting was good; I enjoyed most of the characters. The film wasn’t bad, but, again, it didn’t really keep my attention through the first half.


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