-Written by Kyle Bain.
Unfortunately, I feel that most of us remember the tragedy that occurred in 2012 in Miami, where a man on bath salts attacked and began eating the face of another. I can remember hearing this for the first time, and I can remember thinking what kind of animal could do this to another human being? Know Me - The Untold Miami Bath Salts Phenomenon takes a unique approach toward telling this story–focusing on the brother, Kenson (Edson Jean), of the accused. The emotional toll that this event took on the accused’s family is something that has effectively gone undocumented, and this film attempts to put viewers in the shoes of his loved ones in order to understand both sides of this horrifying story.
Writer Marckenson Charles and Writer-Director Jean look to create a story that’s incredibly simple, and, as a result, accessible. The film never hedges, never oversteps, never even looks to do too much, but rather focuses on the emotions of Kenson and his mother after a tragic event. We follow Kenson at an almost uncomfortable distance, forced to play a role in his suffering. Know Me - The Untold Miami Bath Salts Phenomenon is brilliant in this regard, as it doesn’t give viewers a choice in the matter, but rather forces them to step into Kenson’s shoes, to live through his pain with him. Again, Charles and Jean never do too much here, and by effectively focusing on one character throughout the entirety of Know Me - The Untold Miami Bath Salts Phenomenon viewers are forced in one direction, but they will likely find themselves pleased with the direction in which the film ultimately heads.
The long, dramatic pauses within the score are what help to heighten the intensity of this film. Leaving each of the actors to their own devices provides viewers a better opportunity to understand and appreciate their plights throughout Know Me - The Untold Miami Bath Salts Phenomenon. With a quiet background, characters are forced to the forefront of these scenes, forced to play an even more pivotal role in the development of this narrative and all of its ever-growing drama. These were the moments that I was drawn in close, so interested in hearing the heavy words set against the deafening silence. Know Me - The Untold Miami Bath Salts Phenomenon thrives in these moments, being the strongest of the entire production–a production that is beautiful from start to finish.
Jean is a name that I was fortunately familiar with, having been part of a group discussion with him back in 2021 after viewing his film Ludi at the Lighthouse International Film Festival. He’s a genuine individual who cares deeply about his craft. While that’s incredibly apparent during conversation with him, it’s just as apparent in his art. Know Me - The Untold Miami Bath Salts Phenomenon relies heavily on emotion, so much so that the narrative falls apart without it. Jean pours his heart and soul into this film and surrounds himself with other artists willing to do the same. From Jean, as the lead (in more ways than one), down to tertiary characters–everyone involved clearly possesses a passion for this project, and that makes the film all the more entertaining.
Clocking in at just over an hour, Know Me - The Untold Miami Bath Salts Phenomenon tells a rather succinct version of a familiar and tragic tale, but from a unique perspective. Again, we likely remember this tragic event, but we’ve never seen it from this point of view. Jean takes us on a roller coaster ride, one that is constantly shifting, but firmly adheres to its dark and harrowing tone. Through Jean’s expertise (in a series of ways), Know Me - The Untold Miami Bath Salts Phenomenon thrives from start to finish.
Directed by Edson Jean.
Written by Marckenson Charles & Edson Jean.
Starring Edson Jean, Shein Mompremier, Carole Arty, Donald Paul, Richardson Chery, Timothy Mark Davis, etc.