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Mad Props (2024)

-Written by Kyle Bain

Tom Biolchini is an avid collector of movie props, and it finally dawned on him that he’s not the only type of person that has this hobby. So he, and Writer-Director Juan Pablo Reinoso set off on the adventure of a lifetime to speak with collectors from around the world. Mad Props explores the world of prop collecting and the emotional connection that those collectors have to their belongings and the films from which they come. 

As a child that had trouble understanding nerdom beyond Star Wars; though I’ve developed into a cinephile that can finally get on board with the idea of collecting memorabilia and props from popular films. I don’t think that loving films like Castaway or The Outsiders makes you a “nerd,” but obsessing over them and collecting pieces from their storied histories [I think] does. Being a nerd is sort of a cliche term any more, however, and it’s branched out into the far reaches of pop culture, far beyond what it was initially used for years ago–though, that term still possesses a level of negativity. With that, I believe that Mad Props’ success will likely be faced with nerd-hating hurdles. Can the world get on board with a film that is clearly geared towards nerds? I think that the answer in regard to Mad Props is “yes.” 

The synopsis reads: “A handsome nerd…” well, the rest doesn't really matter. I’m not here to judge whether or not Tom is handsome–but the reality is that beyond his collection of props, he’s an average guy. Anyone could have traveled the world and interviewed prop collectors, but there’s something about Tom that allows Mad Props to thrive. He’s personable, he lives a normal life, he’s just like the rest of us. Tom just might be the perfect person to drive Mad Props forward–and Reinoso does a spectacular job of allowing Tom to shine from start to finish. 

Really, Reinoso does this with every aspect of Mad Props. He gets up close and personal with nearly every magical prop like Tom does, showcasing these items with great beauty. I think that Reinoso has to be a tad bit invasive in order to allow his viewers to see all that he and Tom do–and in order for the film to find success. After breaking down a series of those nerd-related walls, Tom and Reinoso have to appeal to everyone, and they are incredibly inviting in their ventures. 

Mad Props is a documentary about movies–reaching every corner of the movie-watching world. From horror to comedy and drama to thriller, fans of film will see something that they enjoy, something that truly appeals to them. Tom is a small part of what this film is as a whole. Tom is the face of the documentary, the one that allows viewers the opportunity to see that Mad Props is for everyone; and once you’re in, you’ll get lost in this astounding spectacle. 

Written & Directed by Juan Pablo Reinoso. 

Starring Tom Biolchini, Fran Biolchini, Christi Yannelli, Alan Yannelli, Toby Biolchini, Jess Biolchini, Rocco Biolchini, etc. 



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