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Plan C (2023)

Abortion and the right to choose has become possibly the hottest topic in the world over the course of the past couple of years. After Roe v. Wade was overturned in June of 2022, women from around the world have gathered, hoping to make a change. Now, a new, pill-based abortion is hitting the market (sort of), and it’s being called Plan C.

We’ve beaten this to death, almost to the point where I don’t care anymore. Sure, this is an important topic, one in which people from all walks of life should be able to weigh in on and discuss their beliefs–hoping to make a change (or solidify what has been put in motion with that aforementioned overturning). With that being said, however, we’ve gotten to the point, during the social media age, in which things are talked about so often, and information has become so readily available, that I’ve grown tired of hearing about certain things–abortion being one of them.

Plan C, the drug, is newer–and it’s only fair that it be given the spotlight for some time. However, Plan C, the documentary, has been released at an inopportune time–where potential viewers like me are, again, tired of hearing about the same thing over and over again. With that being said, it will certainly be difficult for some viewers to get on board and to support the cause. I estimate that viewers who are on the fence about abortion and the like will shy away from Plan C–or, at the very least, step away by the halfway mark.

Again, this has all been said and done before–and nothing about this, other than the conversation about the actual Plan C pill, is different from the films that have come before. Plan C then does exactly what hundreds of films, television shows, and social media posts have done before, traveling down a dark and unwarranted path. This film ultimately becomes all about pointing fingers, something I anticipated, but that really hinders the film’s ability to thrive and find success (at least among certain audiences). At this point in the film, as it shifted from trying to make a change to trying to blame someone, I was effectively done. Plan C stepped too far over the line, and there was no going back from here.

There is nothing special about Plan C, nothing different from anything that had been said and/or done before. The documentary travels the same rocky path, expresses the same, one-sided beliefs, and ultimately tries to point the finger at right-winged individuals. Regardless of whose fault this might be, regardless of who signed what bill, who overturned what, pointing the finger and effectively saying “ fucked up..” isn’t going to warrant change. Plan C informs about the new abortion drug, but it doesn’t do much else other than frustrate.

Directed by Tracy Droz Tragos.

Starring Francine Coeytaux, Elisa Wells, Dr. M…, Dr. Erika Bliss, Dr. Razel Remen, etc.



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