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She's Clean (2024)

Updated: Jun 6

-Written by Kyle Bain.

Her shower is the hub for her many sexual interactions. And as this nameless woman meets with numerous men, exploring her sexuality and sexual freedom, she finds that some are good, some bad, some involved, some distracted. She learns about herself and the rest of the world in these moments, and She’s Clean explores what sexual encounters can mean to a person as it attempts to debunk some unfair stereotypes. 

I wasn’t on set, and I know nothing about Writer, Director, and lead actor Jenn Harris, so I can’t tell you what creating She’s Clean was like; but this seems like it might be a difficult film to bring to life. It seems obvious that this is challenging content to tackle, and that anything less than perfection throughout the course of production would have caused She’s Clean to fall apart. With that, if nothing else about the film worked, Harris needs to be commended for her ability to create something so niche and controversial, yet effective. 

She’s Clean is impressive beyond the simple fact that it was made, as Harris’ time on screen (which is the entirety of the film) is enticing–for more than one reason. Let’s be honest, Harris is an attractive woman, and it’s clear that she understands this. She’s created an intelligent film, and she chose herself as the lead for a reason. She’s talented, she commands the camera, and she is, in more ways than one, the star of the show–and she uses her looks to the advantage of the film. She presents herself with class, with passion, with the ability to bring She’s Clean to life in a way that resonates with viewers. 

This film is confined to one small area, the bathroom. With that, Director of Photography Charlie Gruet is forced to squeeze into tight places, forced to create lustrous and attractive scenes with not a lot of freedom. She’s Clean feels claustrophobic, with every character forced into one small area–and this feels representative of the small box that promiscuous women are thrown into. She’s Clean is full of social commentary–and while there are obvious pieces that are part of this puzzle, the cinematography plays a major role and is beautifully metaphorical in its approach. 

She’s Clean is a voyeuristic film that follows a woman who’s naked through nearly the entire thing. From start to finish Harris is seen naked in a series of scenes, but she’s tactful in her approach as a writer, director, actor, and producer, and the film thrives as a result. She’s Clean aims to clear the air in regard to some unnecessary and untrue stereotypes, and it does so as a result of Harris’ talent and the brilliant cinematography.

Written & Directed by Jenn Harris. 

Starring Jenn Harris, Becca Blackwell, Ryan Bourque, Michael Borrelli, Louis Cancelmi, etc. 


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