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Writer's pictureKyle Bain

The Pitch: Patient Safety's Next Generation (2024)

-Written by Kyle Bain.

The future of medicine is within arm’s reach. There is an entire generation of medical professionals working diligently to ensure that safe medical practices are the norm, and that the future of medicine will be more effective, inclusive, and safer than ever before. The Pitch: Patient Safety’s Next Generation showcases many instances of this, ensuring viewers that things are, in fact, looking up. 

The Pitch: Patient Safety’s Next Generation is an informational film. To some degree, all documentaries are informational films—but this exists in a place different from the norm. 

I don’t believe that The Pitch: Patient Safety’s Next Generation is actually meant to entertain, only to inform. That’s fine, but that makes it challenging to review. Entertainment value is a large part of my critique of a film; it plays a large role in determining whether or not a film is effective. In the case of The Pitch: Patient Safety’s Next Generation that’s not a factor. Technically, as long as the film gets its point across, then it’s effective. So, for all intents and purposes, The Pitch: Patient Safety’s Next Generation is, by definition, effective. That doesn’t negate the fact that I found myself drifting from the film, struggling to remain focused throughout nearly the entirety of the film. I didn’t find the film particularly entertaining, and I would have been alright continuing to simply put my faith in the medical community rather than knowing exactly what is being done ahead of time.  

The reality is that The Pitch: Patient Safety’s Next Generation is something you put on in the background while you're doing chores or working out. It’s far from captivating (unless you are part of a niche group of viewers), it possesses little to no cinematic expertise, and simply goes through the motions of expressing information. Considering that’s all it’s really meant to do, inform, you’d have to say that The Pitch: Patient Safety’s Next Generation is ultimately a success. Is it my cup of tea? Not really. But it exists in a space where some may find it intriguing—and I suppose that’s all this team really wanted. 

Directed by Mike Eisenberg. 



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