-Written by Michelle Vorob.
The Third Ear is a short film by Nathan Ginter, about Sammy (Devin Burnam), who works as a janitor in an art gallery. I already felt hooked, simply because of the initial opening scene; a janitor, an observant and mindful man, in a mindful environment, being ignored by patrons who are fixated on art pieces, but oblivious to everything else, to the point that one guest, so enamored, touches a statue. Sammy tries to tell the woman not to touch the statue, but she doesn't hear him. It's like he doesn't exist.
Later, while preparing to clock out from his shift, Sammy sees a note on a bulletin board, asking for nude [art class] models. He takes the information and leaves. At home that night, Sammy poses in front of the mirror, inspecting his reflection. Trying to view himself the way others might see him.
We next see him posing for the art class, doing this different, new thing. It's good to try new things, right? He likes being the focus here. Now he's the statue. But soon after, Sammy starts to hear whispers. Indistinct. Many voices. Ambient.
He arrives home. He still hears whispers. He hears every noise from the city. They won't stop. He can't rest. He can't sleep. He puts on the TV and every other appliance. He wraps a pillow around his head. You see, Sammy, unfortunately, has grown a third ear.
Let's not get into the mechanics of it. Let's view it as what it really is; a manifestation of being aware, truly aware and present, when so many of the people around [you] are not. It's not unusual to encounter shallow people, vapid people, people on autopilot, people who go through the motions but actually lack self awareness. Pseudo-intellectuals.
Now Sammy has a manifestation of his awareness. His “third eye” happens to be a third ear, but it leaves him with the same issue. Does Sammy embrace his awareness, which causes upset and discomfort, or does he squash it, so he can function in society?
This is the question asked by The Third Ear. It's not easy to be sensitive in a hard world. It hurts. Some people let themselves be oblivious or let themselves become cold because it's easier to survive that way. But what art shows us is every aspect of ourselves. We can be strong by embracing every part of ourselves and work to change what we can, inward and outward.
Sammy has a bit of a crisis; too many voices, too much unrest. He wants his life to go back to the way it was and takes drastic measures to be rid of the ear. He decides to continue posing nude. We get the notion that he'll be okay. But then, he notices a sketch of himself. Flawed, almost deformed features. It taunts him. He becomes fixated. Will he lose himself in it? Is he the sketch? Is he the statue? Will he cut off his nose to spite his face?
Directed and written by Nathan Ginter.
Starring Devin Burnam.