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Writer's pictureKyle Bain

Total Performance (2015)

Cori (Tory Berner) is an actress, but she has a unique way of practicing her art form. Cori is called upon by people in strenuous situations to practice the scary and unpleasant conversations that will soon ensue in their real lives. Cori never expected her job at Total Performance to make her life more difficult, and yet here she is, struggling to find herself and understand her reality. While she finds herself in this unspeakable and precarious situation, Cori must ask herself what is most important to her in this world, and if everything she’s gone through is worth it.

Total Performance is short, sweet, but not exactly right to the point as viewers initially believe. It seems clear that there will be some drama that surrounds Cori at some point in the film, but not in the capacity that writer-director Sean Meehan eventually reveals. Every second of this short film is leading up to something unexpected and genius. The uniquely twisted journey that viewers embark on throughout the course of Total Performance should be clear, but through the prowess of Meehan, the audience is kept in the dark just long enough before the big reveal.

Adding to the beauty of Total Performance is Berner, a relatively unknown talent with seemingly unlimited potential. As the story and the tone transitions throughout the film, Berner is tasked with being the person to whom viewers can relate. She is the primary reason that the emotion in the film is understood. She is captivating from beginning to end, and she possesses a joie de vivre that allows viewers to understand how each character in Total Performance is feeling at any given moment. Furthermore, Berner’s ability to make everyone around her better allows the film to shine even brighter and find success.

In addition to what Berner brings to the table, the spectacular lighting accurately expresses both the tone and mood of the project from beginning to end. While the majority of Total Performance is filmed in bright lights, viewers will notice that the most dramatic moments--even the ones that we didn’t initially understand to be dramatic--are filmed in darker spaces, with less lighting. The juxtaposition of lighting techniques allows everything in Total Performance to make its way to the forefront where viewers are able to best understand Meehan’s intentions.

Full of ups and downs, unexpected twists and turns, superb acting by Berner, and a contrast of lighting, Total Performance is sure to find success with each and every one of its audiences. I felt immersed in the world in which Cori exists and found myself rooting for her through both the good and bad times. While her situations are unique, something about her feels familiar and relatable, making her role in the film that much more important. While Meehan’s vision of Total Performance appears to play out as planned, however, with someone else (whether it be a better-known actor or someone with less talent) in the lead role I don’t believe that the sentiment that he hoped to convey would find the audience. As a result much of Total Performance falls on the shoulders of Berner, and thanks to her Meehan’s film is a true success.

Written & Directed by Sean Meehan.

Starring Tory Berner, Steven Conroy, Caitlin Berger, Anthony Rainville, Timothy J. Cox, etc.



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