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We Are Not Alone (2022)

In a world where aliens just might exist, We Are Not Alone allows a series of individuals to recount their encounters with extraterrestrials. Furthermore, they explore the implications of aliens existing in the same world as us, and they attempt to understand the potential of future encounters with an alien race.

There are so many skeptics when it comes to the idea of extraterrestrials–and I’m one of them. There’s certainly levels of skepticism surrounding this topic, and while I believe that human-esque lifeforms from other planets have the potential to exist, I often find it difficult to believe the stories that people tell about their encounters. We Are Not Alone explores these ideas from beginning to end, and I was constantly forced to question the things that the people on screen were saying throughout the course of the film. With that it became difficult for me to grasp and accept the things being said, particularly when they start talking about sasquatch.

I already struggled with We Are Not Alone, but when the conversation shifted to the aforementioned fuzzball, I was completely lost. I don’t want to call people liars, because…well, that’s not really fair–however, sasquatch is bullshit. The film transitioned to this conversation for some time, and in these moments, it felt that any bit of credibility that We Are Not Alone had established up to this point was gone–incapable of reaching audiences any longer.

By the end of We Are Not Alone I was lost, frustrated, and in complete disbelief. I’ve said it semi-recently, but documentaries are grasping at straws these days, and I’m getting tired of them honestly. We Are Not Alone does nothing special, the only thing it does is present viewers with information that is difficult to believe, ultimately forcing the film to be inconsequential and unentertaining.

Directed by Serena DC.

Starring Serena DC, Adam Curry, Andrea Perron, Daniel Sheehan, Fausto Perez, etc.



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